Early Childhood (Preschool and Kindergarten) Program requirements:
- Preschool: at least two years, six months by September 1 of the school year, and must be toilet-trained.
- Kindergarten: must be five years old by September 1 of the school year.
Elementary Program requirements:
- Must be at least six years old by September 1.
- Can write their name and numbers.
- Able to verbalize their needs.
- Children respect classroom rules and relate positively to peers and adults.
- Can read phonetically and recognize words.
- Able to concentrate and complete tasks.
- Children can take direction from an adult.
- Children make work choices independently.
*In addition to the above criteria, prospective 1st through 5th level elementary students from outside of Country Montessori must:
- Submit student evaluations.
- Be assessed for their aptitude to benefit positively from the program.
- Have student and parent interviews with appropriate classroom teachers and the Head of School.
Our Acceptance Process
Applications are accepted and prioritized in the following order:
- Current CMS students whose enrollment contract and payment of fees are received by an established re-enrollment deadline.
- Siblings of current CMS students whose enrollment contract and payment of fees are received by an established re-enrollment deadline. If selecting 1st level must have been in Kindergarten at CMS.
- New students with a Montessori background whose ages will achieve balanced age groups and levels in the classrooms. This includes siblings enrolling from other Montessori Kindergarten programs.
- New students with a commitment to the three-year cycle.