CMS updates: Ice Cream Social

Dear CMS Families,

A reminder: we are hoping to see all of you at our Ice Cream Social and Annual meeting this Saturday, September 22. from 3:00-5:00.

Every new school year in September, CMS hosts its first social event, The Ice Cream Social and Annual Meeting. This event is intended to promote not only community among families and children, but it is also a nice opportunity to hear from the Board President, Administration and the PTC about the focus of the upcoming school year.

The ice cream is served by our 4th and 5th level students on the north playground for the ice cream and socializing from 3-3:30. At 3:30 the children will be escorted by staff to the Lady Bug classroom for a fun age appropriate presentation. The parents will be asked to go into the Eagles classroom for a brief presentation from the board and administration and immediately after the PTC prepares an exciting interactive activity for parents to get to know each other. It is truly a fun event for both the children and the adults and an excellent way to meet fellow CMS families. We hope to see everyone there!


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